I can halp you with Russian and Ukrainian. I need to halp me with English and Franch.
Slavic languages
As a Russian learner I got curious to know what other languages could I learn in the future based on my knowledge of Russian. What Slavic languages are the closest to Russian? Do Russian people understand the Ukranian language easily? Is the cyrillic alphabet the same for all the Slavic languages?
I didn't find the right solution from the internet.
[url=https://blog.advids.co/20-awesome-instructional-video-examples/]Instructional Videos[/url]
Cyrilish alphabet, languages: Russian, Ukrainian, Belarussian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Slovenian, Tshernogorian (Montenegro).
Here u can find help with both English and Polish https://buki.org.pl/korepetycje/jezyk-angielski/
Ukrainian is the closest to Russian, I guess. It won't be too difficult for you if you already know Russian.